Cancer insurance

Pays you money if you're diagnosed with cancer

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Cancer insurance is this simple

If this happens...

You are diagnosed with cancer (e.g. skin cancer or lung cancer)

... We pay

The full insured sum (e.g €50,000)

  • Use the money freely
  • Paid directly into your account
  • Payout within a few days
Your children are automatically insured – free of charge!
Excellent quality

Why do you need insurance?

Your health insurance company will pay for your treatment. But an additional payout makes recovery a lot easier.

Alleviate financial burdens

Our high payout helps to compensate for financial difficulties:

  • Loss of earnings in a job or self-employment
  • Co-payments for medication and rehabilitation
  • Existing burden of loans, rent, etc.

More flexibility during recovery

You receive the payout and use the money as you wish:

  • Take some time off from your job
  • Have your children looked after
  • Use alternative healing methods

Cancer can strike any of us suddenly. At any time.

Nowadays, cancer is mostly curable. But the disease can change everything in life.

Comprehensive protection at the highest level

  • All cancers included
    Even very rare variants are covered
  • Children insured free of charge
    Receive the full amount if any of your children are diagnosed
  • No surprises
    Fair conditions that everyone understands

"If the worst happens, I can focus on my recovery and spend time with my family without financial worries."

— Sara, 37, single mother

This is how we can help you in an emergency

If you're diagnosed with cancer, we will help you quickly and unbureaucratically.


Confirmed diagnosis

One of your doctors diagnoses you with cancer. The finding is confirmed by a special laboratory.


Submit medical reports

You submit your medical and laboratory reports to us. This is easy to do as a cell phone photo.


Fast payout

It only takes 3-4 business days to review your documents. You will receive your payout directly into your account.

Frequently asked Questions

If I get sick, will my health insurance pay?

The health insurance company pays for your treatment. However, cancer patients suffer from additional burdens (e.g. loss of earnings). The insurance gives you financial freedom in the event of an emergency.

Will I get my contributions back if I don't get sick?

No, you will not get your contributions back. Everyone pays into our insurance so that those who become ill receive support. If you don't get sick, your contribution will help others.

Can my contributions increase over time?

Your contributions are guaranteed for 15 years. They can then change under certain conditions. You can find more details about this under point 6 in the Insurance conditions. You can terminate the contract at any time if you do not agree to any changes.

Are there any exclusions in the fine print?

We rule out certain mild forms and precursors of cancer. These include, for example, malignant birthmarks, which can be easily removed by a dermatologist. You can find the details under point 3 in our Insurance conditions.

Can I also take out insurance if I already have cancer?

You can only take out insurance if you have not yet been diagnosed with cancer. Therefore, before we conclude, we will ask you a few questions about your health that you must answer honestly.

What does the 6 month waiting period mean?

The waiting period means that you have to wait 6 months after taking out the insurance before you can receive a payout. In this way, we prevent people from insuring themselves who already have specific suspicions.

Do I always get paid the full amount?

Yes, you always receive the entire agreed amount of money. So you don't receive less money if you become less seriously ill. This means you won't get any nasty surprises in an emergency.

Shouldn't I just put the money aside myself?

For example, you could save €20 a month, but after 10 years you would have only saved €2,400. In contrast, our insurance offers payouts of €50,000 and more in the event of an emergency. Saving makes sense, but it cannot replace insurance.

Does cancer in my family play a role in my graduation?

Cancer runs in almost all families. Therefore, when taking out insurance, do not ask about the medical history of your family members.

If I get cancer, won't I die anyway?

Cancer is no longer a death sentence today. However, recovery can take several years. Those who are sick are restricted during this time and benefit from additional financial support.

Who is behind Embea?

Embea is an innovative digital company in Berlin. In cooperation with financially strong insurers, we offer you high-performance insurance protection.

As a digital company, we have a lean structure and avoid unnecessary paperwork. We pass on the savings to you in the form of affordable contributions.

Embea GmbH is a German company and is supervised as a registered insurance broker by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (IHK).

How to reach us